“Human Instruction Manual” (H.I.M.)

Human Instruction Manual - Part 1: The 5 Laws: The Answers You Seek Are Here!

self-help 2016

The book gives clarity to your confusion, provides you with a new concept of self-esteem and confidence, and removes the veil of the shadow that keeps humans from becoming their optimal self. MORE INFORMATION


Human Instruction Manual - Part 2: The Creation Process: Learn Your Birth Right, Become A Creator Again!

self-help 2016

Part 2 picks-up with the next step, continuing with the purpose and the application of the 5 Laws. The book gives you clarity by providing reasons for human challenges that need not exist at all. MORE INFO


Human Instruction Manual - Part 3: The Carry Principle: Vol. 1 - Survival "A Twin Flame?

self-help 2016

Part 3 draws from and builds on the previous two parts, but can stand alone as separate. Part 1 prepared you to make choices, increase your perception, and adjust your awareness. MORE INFO